Thank you Dorian’s Gilded Society @dorians.gildedsociety and @thetenncocreatives for hosting a lovely, elegantly fun event in anticipation of the warm days of Spring and all its floral glory.
@Ms. Yoo’s is always the perfect location to capture the creative costume hijinks, listen to cool music, and nibble on delicious Korean food.
Special appreciation and hearty applause to:
Ms. Yoo’s own DJ extraordinaire: DJ Cindy Kim @ mzkittykitty_dj24. The best tunes ever!
Phenomenal songstress and performer Samara Nightwine @samaralandtv. Thank you for the stunningly beautiful opera performance. A few of us got very teary.
Wonderful dance entertainment from the highly talented ballerina, performance artist, actress Lea McGowan @artisticlea
We might not have eaten cake, but we all had a fancy good time.
#baroque #springfling #doriansgildedsociety #opera #NYCnightlife #frills #corsets #dance #opera #baroquejewels #baroquedance #springisintheair #panniers #brocade #rufflesandsilk # NYinspring #ornatecostume #chandeliers #letthemeatcake